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European finals of Science slam will be in Brno

Scientists form five different countries will be presentig their work on Monday 4th December at Scala Cinema.

Czech Republic will be represented by botanist Barbora Chattová from Faculty of Science at Masaryk University.

European finals of Science slam will take place at the Scala Cinema on 4th December. It starts at 19.00 and the entry is for free. All performances will be in English.

Science slam is an international science popularization contest and its main goal is to show what is going on behind the doors of modern science. Each participant has only six minutes to show off their many years' research. "And that's quite a challenge. He or she must be as funny and smart as possible," say Petr Holík, main organizer of the event.

The audience will decide who wins the european finals in which young scientists from Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Swizerland take part. Czech Republic will be represented by botanist Barbora Chattová from Faculty of Science at Masaryk University.

Watch videoreport from Czech finals